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It has been brought to our attention recently, that, even though in terms of sheer turnover, C4C’s ROBIN HOOD is probably our most prolific program – yet it is probably the most under-reported part of C4C’s work on this website. As of today – that is changing… :-)..more

Bara is C4C's resident psychologist, lending a listening ear to children living in orphanages in the greater Prague area...more

Thanks to the HR team of Borgers automotive suppliers we were able to take part of a very informative and quality tour of Borger company premises in Volduchy. It is the goal of C4C’s project “ Springboard to life” to help the young people from the orphanages to familiarize themselves with available job positions in the company for possible future employment...more

On the weekend we kicked off a new fundraiser- guided tours called Tour 4 Charity...more

C4C clowns join their Polish counterparts in raising awareness of the challenges hospital clowns face every day!..more

48 children from six orphanages in the greater Prague area compete for first place at the popular TEPFAKTOR indoor adventure-game facility...more

It is the declared goal of C4C’s Springboard to Life project to help young people, who eventually have to leave their foster environments, to integrate into society...more

Jana Snoblova accepted the prestigious annual award for C4C, given by the influential charity Slunce .....more

It's number crunching time again for our office staff and a good time to feel C4C's proverbial pulse. Result: 2014 has been a great year!..more

..and highlights longtime supporter Copy General for walking the walk with C4C for a full decade, contributing over 2.000.000,00 CZK toward helping C4C's humanitarian efforts in this country...more

German Ambassador Dr. Arndt Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven, Rotary Club Prague Bohemia president Uwe Hengstermann and C4C founder Manfred Franke join forces to find worthy recipient for Makita toolset donated to C4C via the Club...more

Dr. Clown signing cooperation agreement with Dr. Clown? Confused? Read on.....more
Some of the typical, satisfied little 'customers' of the Vitamin Team!!

It’s been recently brought to our attention that, of all the different activities which make up the wide spectrum of C4C’s activities, one of the least visible is probably our “Vitamin Team”! It’s also stubbornly being underreported on. Well,.....more

C4C hospital clowns receive Advanced Medical Clown Diplomas after a series of professional workshops, culminating in a weekend of seminars with Belgian ‘Clowns without Borders’ co-founder, Kevin Brooking...more

C4C’s Dr. Clown team distributes LEGO toys for thousands of hospitalized children to 47 Slovak hospitals and clinics...more

Answer: Try the TEPFAKTOR! It's one for all and all for one! Just in case you never heard of it (hard to believe), before reading on......more

In case you’ve missed it: Besides our regular updates and articles right here on this website (you’re reading one right now…  ), C4C also has an active Facebook presence...more

Result? 2013 turned out to be C4C’s best year ever in terms of total aid rendered to children at risk and in need: 88.539.323 CZK in direct aid given to 92 different institutions with resident children!..more

Two recent birthday parties net over ¼ million CZK for C4C’s programs for children in need!..more
2012 Olympic Gold Medalist in modern penthlaton - David Svoboda

C4C Christmas Season Highlight: Charity Auction and Christening of the new Star-Studded C4C 2014 Celebrity Calendar!..more

40 refurbished computers and monitors left C4C’s storage two weeks ago as a launching pad for C4C’s Springboard to Life initiative, providing computer literacy classes for underprivileged children in Jordan!..more

And, as usual, he’s doing what he does best: assisting those that need a helping hand! In this case, children living in orphanages in the greater Hradec Kralove area. This time around.....more

Participants of C4C Springboard to Life (STL) Program get hands on training with Czech Miss World 2011, Denisa Domanska and two runner-ups of the Miss Czech Republic contest!..more

…lots and lots of fun at Medieval Fortress Dreucici for children participating in C4C’s Springboard to Life program (STL)...more

C4C’s best year ever - for the 3rd consecutive time! Total aid rendered in 2012 topped 72 million CZK! That adds up to over half a billion CZK in direct aid rendered since C4C's inception!..more
The Ceska Pozice Picture with C4C's Alena Zdvihalova and Andrej Babis

In general, Charity organizations like C4C are expected to do mainly one thing: to give to their various constituencies – especially during the Christmas season! But.....more

Auction Proceeds of the recent Golden Jerseys Action of Jaromir Jagr and his Kladno Knights Ice Hockey Team literally went through the roof - netting 446.577 CZK for C4C’s Dr. Clown program! Jaromir’s Jersey stays in Kladno!..more

International Ice Hockey celebrity Jaromir Jagr and his Kladno Knights team rally behind C4C’s Dr. Clown program in an unprecedented show of support for hospitalized children!..more

… and play the Blues - with the support of Lucie Bila and KYTARA.CZ..more

If you’ve been approached by a smiling student recently, asking you to support C4C’s projects for socially disadvantaged and hospitalized children by purchasing an attractive or useful small item, rest assured it’s genuine and not a hoax!..more

Hospitalized children in 98 Czech hospitals receive LEGO toys valued at millions of CZK!..more
Rotary event at the Ranch in Pazderna

It is with a sense of profound sadness and loss that we announce that C4C’s Milos Janata has passed away in a boating accident on March 30th 2012...more

Why settle for just one - if you can have two celebrations at the same time? International transportation giant DHL Freight recently celebrated its 20 year anniversary.....more

It has always been a challenge to assemble C4C’s manifold and far strewn staff members under one roof for a get-together. They’re literally from all over the place, Prague, Plsen, Pisek .....more

Just in time for Christmas: C4C’s Robin Hood team & long-time partners Iveco-Strojservis & Out of Round Promotions, deliver 8 million CZK worth of brand-new clothing, shoes and Lego toys to needy children in Slovakia!..more

Two great Kladno natives are partnering up to bring smiles to hospitalized children nation-wide!..more

Organized by C4C in cooperation with Kladno City Hall, the three day long Dr. Clown Amusement Fair, with fun and breathtaking rides and lots of attractions for young and old, served as the launching platform for C4C’s new Dr. Clown city bus...more

If you’ve ever visited C4C’s offices and volunteer center near Kladno, you probably couldn’t help but notice the large grassy knoll in front of our office building. Come summer.....more

A heartfelt good-bye to Vaclav (Vasek) Cermak..more

Children from local orphanages, participating in C4C’s Springboard to Life initiative, impress their audience with displays of their newly acquired vocational skills...more

Kladno hosts meeting of partners and friends of Dr. Clown - since 1999 the original and first Hospital Clown program in the Czech Republic!..more

Designed by popular children’s artist Romana Andelova (www.angelart.cz), the newly installed Dr. Clown floor games are already a hit with resident children in hospitals in the greater Prague area...more

As the 2010 Touring Car racing season rings out, Hans Christian Zink, one of C4C’s founding members, successfully defends his title as European Champion in the DMV Touring Car Championship – and proudly displays C4C's logo and website on his car and racing outfit - again!..more

As a last minute surprise, thousands of high quality shoes for children and teenagers arrive in C4C’s storage facility! Secured by C4C from a Scandinavian supplier…..more

Living up to his reputation as a true champion of the poor and downtrodden, our folk hero showed himself strong again on behalf of orphans and other socially disadvantaged kids in dire need of a helping hand.....more

DMAX C4C Charity Golf Tour 2010 generated almost 100.000 CZK for C4C’s programs for needy children!..more

C4C is awarded 2500 Euro check from rally organizers in recognition of its humanitarian efforts with children in Slovakia...more

A newly donated Yamaha “Stage Custom” drum set nicely rounds up the sound equipment needs for up-and-coming band SALINOVCI - and promises to add decibels and sound volume to the neighborhood!..more

Rotary Club Prague Bohemia (RCPB) donates two new vehicles to C4C! And they are real head-turners…..more

This Summer, Let’s Play Golf - For Needy Children! In love with GOLF? Then the following is definitely for YOU! And.....more

Making learning English fun, by doing it the playful way. For instance, when on an outing with a group of native speakers...more

Celebrating 5 years of action-packed cooperation for the benefit of children less fortunate than others!..more
Lech Nawara and the new arrivals to STL program: 100 portable computers!

C4C’s Springboard to Life program receives over 100 mobile computer workstations for its Computer Literacy initiative, teaching computer skills to socially and physically disadvantaged children...more

Besides being inundated with celestial music and mouth-watering food, concert guests and Hilton management donate record amount toward C4C’s programs for socially disadvantaged children...more

If you’re planning to stay in one of the two upmarket Hilton Hotels here in Prague – make sure you don’t opt out when the checkout clerk asks you for an extra Euro for the benefit of Chance 4 Children!..more

10 top-of-the-line Amilo Pro notebook computers, donated by Fujitsu Technology Solutions, help C4C to get their much anticipated Mobile Computer Literacy School off the ground...more

C4C`s Dr. Clown City Bus turns heads as it plows the streets of this up and coming town just west of Prague, promoting Chance 4 Children`s popular Dr. Clown program!..more

Pediatric nurses in the greater Prague area yesterday enthusiastically embraced the concept of becoming Dr. Clown agents, receiving training from the DC team in clowning skills and in the art of making children feel at ease in hospital environs...more

Participate by sending a SMS (or as many as you like) to 9030930. Do it NOW! Type this message into the text field: BOX A . This SMS raffle is part of a highly unusual fund-raiser for C4C at the Tesla Arena in Prague on the 5th of June.....more

Total aid rendered to children at risk and in need exceeds 50 million CZK - again!..more

The Dr. Clown team, visiting the children’s ward of the Vinohrady hospital, was in for a surprise recently: the TV crew of TV Barrandov dropped by for a surprise visit to document the wonders of Dr. Clown’s “Smile Therapy” for their daily 90 minute news program...more

Rumor has it that this popular folk hero, and his motley crew of C4C volunteers, have been seen roaming around Romania, doing what they does best – helping needy children cope and survive!..more

Dr. Clown coloring book coming soon! For hospitalized children nation-wide!..more

T’was that time o’year again and the crowds slowly packed into the Prague Hilton Conference Center facilities to attend this year’s highlight of the season: the Hilton Christmas Charity Concert for the benefit of C4C! With 1250 connoisseurs of fine music in attendance, the concert witnessed the highest turn-out ever and extra seating had to be added to accommodate this year’s audience...more

A stunning exhibition of the popular artist’s pictures can be seen in the lobby of the Hilton until December the 16th. Highlighting the artist commitment to charity, one of his paintings, titled “Tranquility”, is also being auctioned off via an online auction for the benefit of C4C at: www.amaliemaurer.cz . Here’s your chance to acquire a valuable piece of art, while making at the same time a meaningful contribution to C4C!..more

With more than 1050 children participating to date, 138 of them receiving diplomas of achievement this year alone, Chance 4 Children's (C4C) Springboard to Life initiative, offering educational and vocational courses to orphans and socially disadvantaged children, is helping young participants to succeed and have a chance in life!..more

It’s always very much appreciated and encouraging when celebrities and stars offer their support and endorsement of our programs for needy and disadvantaged children in this country. Being by nature a charity.....more

To those closely observing the European DMV Tourenwagen Challenge Championships at the Hockenheim Ring in Germany last week, a logo stood out on one of the winning cars: www.c4c.cz – which, of course, is the address to our popular website.....more

…you can expect things to happen – and they did! And that’s exactly what was planned! Read on about this exciting Bowling with Meaning story.....more

With a fair market value estimated to be almost 250.000 Euro, the “Brooks” sports and running shoes will supply every Czech orphan - within an appropriate age bracket - with a pair of cutting-edge, high-tech shoes for their sports activities...more

It was that time of the year again for 50 Moravian orphans to meet their favorite TV stars - and battle it out for victory on the bowling lanes of Planet Bowling in the Olympia Shopping Center in Brno...more

Finally, the cat’s out of the bag – 2007 has been the best year ever for C4C! Find out..more
Clowns Rafal and Klarka kicking off Dr. Clown 2008 at Vinohrady hospital, Prague

After six weeks of intensive seminars and training, Chance 4 Children's (C4C) Dr.Clown team recently emerged with their new and improved program for 2008! The team now operates under the auspices of the Czech National Circus Berousek and their celebrated clowns...more

130 pallets of high quality chocolates and sweets for needy Central European children! “PLUS” Discount and ROBIN HOOD collaborate to make it possible!..more

Jackets are something we here at C4C have had an abundance of in the past. Throughout the years we have received tens of thousands of them from brand name manufacturers and other organizations for the benefit of our ROBIN HOOD program.....more
Paul Freeman and the Czech National Symphony and Marketa Sebkova

Not an empty seat left, the packed out Hilton Congress Hall again reverberated with the sounds and melodies of the Czech National Symphonic Orchestra, conducted by world-renowned Maestro Paul Freeman...more
Manfred Franke receives cheque over 600.000 CZK for C4C

Organized under the auspices of Olympic Champion KATEŘINA NEUMANNOVÁ and Rotary governor Petr Pajas, the second annual Charity Golf Tournament of two prestigious Prague Rotary Clubs yielded unprecedented results in terms of charitable revenue for C4C.....more

With vacation time over and everyone getting back into the saddle, so to speak, it’s time for everybody here at C4C too, to roll up their sleeves and get to work again. Here’s some news from all fronts, for those of you interested in the latest:..more

Tallying up the score for the first two quarters of 2007, C4C’s humanitarian arm, the ROBIN HOOD program, surpassed the 30.000.000,- Kč (€ 1.1 million) mark on aid distributed to needy and struggling institutions with resident children!..more

Six weeks after its launch on the 17th of May 2007, Frederik Nilsson of Malmo’s photographic exhibition in the Prague Hilton Hotel has come to its successful conclusion with 12 pictures sold. The proceeds of the first picture the young artist generously donated to Chance 4 Children...more

After the red tape, paperwork and birth pangs usually preceding a daunting task like incorporation, it’s finally reality. Effective immediately, Chance 4 Children Slovakia is a legal entity and up and running...more

After having recently exhibited his works in Denmark and Germany, Frederik Nilsson of Malmo’s art can also be seen in Zurich, London, Washington, New York and Chicago, amongst others - and now in Prague! His pictures will be on display at the Prague Hilton lobby from May 17th to July 1st, 2007...more

An age old adage says - “no news is good news”. While this certainly holds true most of the time, the following may be the proverbial exception to the rule...more

When it comes to organizing successful and fun events for the benefit of children living in institutions, leave it to Vaclav “Vasek“ Cermak, C4C’s project manager, to come up with great ideas! This time was no different...more

It has been 3 whole years now that C4C has enjoyed the patronage of the Rotary Club Bohemia in Prague. Cooperating on a wide spectrum of projects, from facilitating international aid shipments to supporting C4C’s Springboard to Life program, the club has been an excellent and reliable partner through the years...more

Online donations to C4C are now possible via PayPal, with over 100 million subscribers the Internet’s most trusted online payment facilitator!..more

Recipe for success: take 50 extremely motivated youngsters from 14 Moravian orphanages around Brno and mix them up in ten teams of five. Then add a few of the best known Czech TV personalities and stars as team captains - and then let them have fun together in a highly charged bowling competition at Planet Bowling in the Olympia Shopping Center!..more
Bosnian children and the C4C team

The C4C team of three, Rafal Wojas, Vaclav Cermak and Paloma Brown, returned today from their one week trip to Bosnia, delivering 350.000 Euros worth of humanitarian aid...more

Bosnia’s biggest private TV station, Hayat, invited the C4C team today to their popular morning show “Jutro s Vama” (The Morning with You) to talk about their humanitarian trip to Bosnia...more
C4C Team, J. Rafal Wojas (2nd from left) and Vaclav Cermak (right) with Czech Ambassador, His Excellency Jiri Kudela (2nd from right)

In apprecition of their efforts to bring aid and relief to orphaned Bosnian children, Jiri Kudela, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic, invited the C4C team to his office this morning...more

C4C took receipt of four pallets of new children‘s clothing, which arrived in our storage facilities today. In April, after going through the process of being sorted and repackaged, the clothing is scheduled for delivery to orphanages in the Czech Republic by our ROBIN HOOD team...more

After much planning the ROBIN HOOD team will finally leave on Monday the 19th of March 2007 on a much anticipated one week humanitarian aid trip to Bosnia Herzegovina. The trip, originally slated for the 10th of March, already got once delayed because of customs issues...more

Peace of mind 50 years ago probably constituted having a good working tire fixing kit and a pump on a bicycle. Times have changed! Today, computer security seems on everyone’s mind...more
Baking Class at Ledce Orphanage

After the successful launch of the initial pilot program in 2005, C4C’s SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE program (STL) is entering its expanded second phase with a wide variety of services being offered...more
M. Franke, founder and director of C4C picking up the instruments in K. Vary

Or will it rather be the next Eric Clapton or Carlos Santana? Music talent is someting that is rife and not in short supply at many orphanages throughout the country. It lays dormant inside many of the children.....more

C4C is now looking back on many years of successful cooperation with transportation giant DHL. The company is taking its social corporate responsibility seriously and is offering C4C free of charge transportation for aid shipments...more
Jana Peringerova, Director HairCity

Today C4C representatives met with managers of the popular Haircity salons to discuss possible educational and employment opportunities for children residing in orphanages. The program got initially on its way about 6 months ago, when Haircity was still only operating a limited number of salons in the country...more

She’s not only a very talented and well known actress, but Alena Antalova is also something like a patron saint to the charity Klokanek. Today, she is opening a new branch of Klokanek in Brno and C4C is invited for the festivities...more
Hilton Christmas Charity Concert

For the third consecutive time C4C was the beneficiary of the proceeds of this years Hilton Charity Concert. 1400 socialites of the local and international community turned up to hear and watch “History Maker“ Maestro Paul Freeman conduct the Czech National Symphony Orchestra for the benefit of the children C4C cares for...more

A dream came true for the C4C team this month, as three new cars were added to their car fleet. The cars, two Fabia Combis and one Iveco Transport Van, were made available to C4C through sponsorship of Hertz Rent a Car, Prague, and Nevecom Skoda in Kladno. Both firms are long time supporters of C4C...more

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