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Robin Hood, C4C’s popular folk hero, has recently been spotted again, roaming the plains of Hradec Kralove, far far away from Nottingham Forest…

And, as usual, he’s doing what he does best: assisting those that need a helping hand! In this case, children living in orphanages in the greater Hradec Kralove area. This time around he’s helping them out with some cool seasonal clothingthey would be hard pressed to pay for by themselves. Nice guy, this Robin fellow…

And he’s not dealing in peanuts either! Robin and his friends hauled a grand total of 7.1 million CZK worth of very fashionable young-folks-apparel to eager recipients – 498 children living in 12 different institutions with resident children in the northern Bohemia region of the Czech Republic.

From the way things look, Robin isn’t running away from the law anymore either. He’s seems to have ceased to extract his booty by extortion and coercion, in favor of more acceptable procurement methods… (the power of persuasion?) So, no trace of the Sheriff of Nottingham far and wide… With other words, it looks like good old Robin has gone respectable! :-)

It goes without sayin’, Robin couldn’t have pulled this off all by himself.  He now enjoys support from influential and well-placed friends who seem to share his vision of making a difference in the lives children less fortunate than their own:

-          There are the dear folks from “Helping Hands” in Sweden, who never seem to tire knocking on doors (which also open) to plead the cause of the downtrodden.

-          There’s the management of the famous H&M apparel company in Stockholm. They’re experts in the ancient art of giving – apparently, without letting the right hand know what the left is doing (as the proverb goes) …

-         Here are some new folks on the block: Oodji of Switzerland, who operate a remarkable chain of Boutiques in Europe, contributed heaps of awesome clothing to this shipment.

-         Robin Hood Shipments from Scandinavia (there are lots of them) would pile up at the shores of the Baltic Sea in Sweden if it wasn’t for the generosity of DHL Freight – who ferries them across and into C4C’s warehouse in Kladno – free of charge! For more than 10 years already!!

-         Last, but not least, there’s the family Kopecky, owning and operating the Strojservis Iveco dealership in Horni Pocerniceby Prague. Without them, Robin would be hauling his goods by push- or horse-cart across the country. Yes, you’ve guessed it; they let us use their trucks free of charge and they do many other amazing things to support C4C (like actually giving us money too…) ;-)When asked for a comment (never mind by whom), Robin said:  “I really like to work with these C4C folks – they get things done!”

Needless to say, we here at C4C feel privileged to work hand with Robin and his illustrious crowd of generous friends. He’s a cool dude
Here comes the truck....
...loading's a breeze...
...Robin's team of happy helpers (he himself excused himself before the photographer arrived...)
...looks like it's made just for me...
...slipper, shoes - it's all here...
...wow - this stuff rocks...
...this may get us some attention...
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