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Druhá strana příběhu, o kterém týdeník “5 plus 2 dny” poněkud zapomněl napsat!..more
Organized under the auspices of Olympic Champion KATEŘINA NEUMANNOVÁ, the second annual Charity Golf Tournament of two prestigious Prague Rotary Clubs yielded unprecedented results, in terms of charitable revenue for Chance 4 Children.....more
Images hand signed for C4C by former President Vaclav Havel scored highest!..more
Chance 4 Children Press Release C4C P.O. Box 38 CZ-27204 Kladno 8.12.2005 For release: Immediately..more
A program is helping to improve the quality of life of socially disadvantaged children. Called into life nine years ago as only a private humanitarian endeavor to help children living in institutions and orphanages in the Kladno area, the Robin Hood program of Chance for Children (formerly East European Missions) has grown over the years into an effective tool, improving the lot.....more

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