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- Networking/Referrals


Here at C4C we are keenly aware of the importance of extending our network of cooperation with friends, sponsors, companies and other benefactors supporting our efforts and cause. It is the key to success and vitally important for the continuance of our work.

Fundraising for a charitable cause can be a daunting and all-consuming task, or using the words of our chairman: “like pulling teeth” ☺! With this in mind, we would like to ask you for your help in referring or introducing us to some of your business associates, friends, colleagues or customers who could be interested and able to contribute to C4C’s work with some of the neediest children in our society.

All it takes is a phone call or an email with a short introduction. The C4C team will gladly do the necessary follow up. This could be the beginning of a successful and satisfying network around you of caring folks with a social conscience and the common goal of making the playing field a little more level for those children less fortunate than others.

So please, don’t hesitate to contact us with your list of referrals and names for us to follow up on. One or two names could make all the difference! Write to: referrals@c4c.cz