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- Fundraising can be fun!

Fundraising events can be organized by almost everyone. They are very rewarding and can be great fun, and the sky is the limit as to what you can do. Want to boost the team spirit, your group’s morale or improve your company’s image? Fundraising activities for needy children and a social cause are an excellent way to do it!
Enlist volunteers and stick your heads together and think innovatively. Have fun while you’re at it! Here’s a few tips of what can be done:
  • Fun Game Evenings: invite friends or colleagues over to play Scrabble, Bridge, Monopoly or a quiz and charge an entrance or a game fee.
  • Auctions, Galas or Tombolas: auction off sponsored items you solicited, or organize a gala, dinner, bingo game or tombola
  • Sport events: organize a sponsored walk, football game or golf tournament
  • Flea market: sell off your unwanted belongings and second-hand goods (clothing, toys, books, furniture, etc.)
  • Coins 4 Children: request our “Coins 4 Children” containers and posters and place them in strategic places at your favorite merchants or retailers, gas stations, etc. Make sure you secure the support of the patron first! :-)
  • Donate your annual budget for Christmas, New Years, Easter or Valentine gifts and/or cards to Chance 4 Children. Add value to your company's profile by explaining your decision to your business partners and staff via e-mail or a letter.

If you are interested in organizing a fundraising activity for C4C, why not contact our office? We'd be happy to brainstorm ideas with you on how to best pull off a fundraiser for the children we care for: fundraising@c4c.cz