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- Payroll Giving

Automatic payroll deductions are an efficient and easy way for your employees to donate money to Chance 4 Children on a regular basis via their pay checks. This could be a fixed amount or a percentage and the deduction could be monthly, quarterly, etc., whichever way is more convenient for the employee or the company. All the employer has to do is to invite their employees to participate in the program. This is also a great way to build a team spirit and rally folks behind a common cause.

As a variant, the company itself could support and encourage this idea amongst its employees by matching the amount donated, thereby showing and confirming their commitment.

If this looks to you like a viable idea to be successfully implemented in your company, please don’t hesitate to contact us. One of our representatives will be happy to discuss ways with you, how to successfully set up a payroll deduction program in your company: payroll@c4c.cz