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Zátiší Group
DHL Czech Republic
Corinthia Hotel Prague
HVB Real Estate s.r.o.
Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.
Czech & Slovak Leaders
The LEGO Foundation CZ
Out of Round s.r.o.
Autosalon Klokočka Centrum a.s.
Stabil Energy
PPL CZ s.r.o.
RICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.
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Welcome to the home page of Chance 4 Children, or for short – C4C! Thanks for stopping by!


If you love children, then we have something in common already. We here at Chance 4 Children (C4C) believe that children are the hope of the future. Each one is precious and distinct, just waiting for his or her chance to fulfill their destiny and calling in life. In keeping with this, our Motto is, that:

Every child deserves a chance!

That applies especially to children who are disabled or socially disadvantaged, institutionalized or terminally ill – children at risk and less fortunate than others! Since 1996 the Chance 4 Children team has invested much time and resources into developing and implementing innovative programs, which are aimed at making the playing field a little more level for children with one of the above mentioned handicaps.

C4C currently oversees three popular and separat initiatives:

Robin Hood (Aid for Orphans)

Springboard to Life”  (Education for Orphans)

-  “Dr. Clown (Since 1999 the Czech Republic's first & original Hospital Clown initiative)

These programs have won distinguished awards and have succeeded in decisively improving the quality of life of thousands of needy, disabled and disadvantaged children, helping them to live up to their full potential.

Registered as an association administered by the Municipal Court in Prague. (Under File No. L 10785) C4C provided since its inception over 800 million CZK (30 million USD) in aid and services to more than 120 homes and institutions with resident children in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Says Karel Heller of Ceska Lipa, former Vice-president of the Association of Czech Orphanages, of C4C's programs: "The Chance for Children team never seems to run out of new and innovative ideas to help enhance the quality of life of our children. C4C’s humanitarian and educational programs have certainly made a big difference in this country."

On behalf of the children receiving assistance through our programs, we'd like to express our heartfelt thanks to our partners, sponsors and all of you who helped to make our work possible! Your contributions, sacrifices, and your unselfish giving is very much appreciated. THANK YOU!


We hope that you'll enjoy browsing through our website. Especially our Photo Galleries and News sections can help you to quickly familiarize yourself with our work and activities! We appreciate any and all feedback, suggestions and other reactions to our materials. You can reach us under the following e-mail address: mail@c4c.cz


We've opted to keep this site trilingual, English, Czech and Slovak, which has resulted in a fair amount of translation work. We decided to make English the default language, because of its international character and universal appeal. If you happen to come across a link that hasn't been translated yet into Czech or Slovak, the text will therefore appear in English. We are constantly updating and adding to this site and will hopefully soon catch up. As the articles are drafted in English first, the English text will take precedence over the Czech version. Thank you for your understanding.


News & events

The Night of the 100 Percenters, generates 1.6 million CZK for C4C!

The 20th Anniversary Celebration of Chance 4 Children, dubbed the Night of the 100 Percenters, generated an astounding 1.6 million CZK for C4C and its programs for children at risk and in need!


Come join us in celebration of C4C's 20th Anniversary! October 21st is the Night of the 100 Percenters!

Announcing: C4C’s new partnership with Stabil Energy!

It's always pleasant for us to welcome a new partner to C4C's efforts to level the playing field for children less fortunate than our own and provide chances to those children who have only few.

Reportáž ČT24

Zotavující plavba po moři

Adventure onboard the NAVE ITALIA yacht!

Recipe for success: Take the Italian Embassy in Prague, add Chance 4 Children, Czech Airlines and

Na konci školního roku bylo rozdáno stovky diplomů.

Naši lektoři Odrazového můstku slavnostně ukončili školní rok 2016/2017.

Festival smíchu 2017

Náš tým Dr. Klauna také přispěl a potěšil svou přítomností všechny kolemjdoucí na Festivalu smíchu 2017 ve Varšavě.

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