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Christmas: For C4C a time to give – and to receive!

The Ceska Pozice Picture with C4C's Alena Zdvihalova and Andrej Babis

In general, Charity organizations like C4C are expected to do mainly one thing: to give to their various constituencies  – especially during the Christmas season

But the season leading up to Christmas is also a time for C4C to be on the receiving end of things and, to use the age-old adage:  “make hey while the sun is shining”. Charity balls, parties and events, which regularly are slotted around Christmas time, present themselves as a once a year opportunity to bring much needed funding into the associations coffers. These crucial funds are necessary to the sustainability of our future efforts, so we can continue to provide the services to children at risk and in need that they have come to rely upon.

The craft itself is called “fundraising” and it is an activity which every non-profit endeavor desperately needs in order to survive and be counted upon in the future.

“Fundraising is a bit like pulling teeth”, smiles Manfred Franke, C4C founder and president, “nobody is really looking forward to it, but it’s somewhat of a necessary evil for all of us!”

And even though fundraising remains a continual daunting challenge, it is also an opportunity to meet new friends and expand our network of supporters. It’s a time to count our blessings as well, especially when we see how broad a base of support C4C has been able to garner during the years.  

C4C has entrusted Alena Zdvihalova with the main part of the fundraising portfolio.  It is, to a large degree, thanks to her efforts that C4C’s 2012 Christmas fundraising season has come to a successful conclusion.  

We thought you may be interested to have a peek into some of the more prominent actions that took place in the period leading up to Christmas, so, here are a few highlights of this year’s many events:


Original idea came to fruition from Ceska Pozice, an alternative news website with a focus on anti-corruption and independent journalism. To celebrate their second anniversary, Istvan Leko, editor in chief and Richard Cortes the magazines art manager, had the great idea to create a “one-take” piece of art, created by them - literally overnight, for the benefit of a NGO with a compatible philosophy.  That’s where C4C and its focus on education came into the picture…

The final picture, a 2x2 meter true “original” in every sense of the word (see picture below), with the title “Prague Transportation Company” was auctioned off during the anniversary party and ultimately fetched a surprising 150.000 CZK.

The highest bidder and ultimate owner was no other than businessman and tycoon of renown, Andrej Babis of Agrofert Holding.

He quipped: “If it’s for kids and for a good project - than I’m automatically in it!”

And, yes, we’ve already asked Istvan and Richard to paint a few more pictures… 


For those of you scratching their heads - CANZA is the association of Czech, Australian and New Zealand expats in the Czech Republic… It is their explicit mission to promote the interests and cultures of Australia and New Zealand in the Czech Republic and give expats and locals alike the opportunity to experience the Australian and New Zealand way of life in the Czech Republic.

This year’s annual CANZA Christmas Charity Ball was held at Zatisi’s Zoom venue at the Prague Congress Centrum and for the second time C4C was the recipient of the proceeds of the evening.

Master of ceremonies, Len Edney, led the fundraising activities, the raffle and the auction. In attendance were 130 or so Kiwis and Aussies.

The most noteworthy item up for auction was a breath-taking diamond set, donated by Kladonian (a person from Kladno…) Stanislav Prucha especially for the CANZA auction. 13 diamonds of different shapes and colors were arranged in a set, emulating the C4C logo. (See picture below)

“It was my pleasure to be part of this event and help orphans to get a good education”, said Stanislav, who is well acquainted with C4C’s activities. He continued: “I really like the C4C team and their philosophy. Their projects make sense to me!”

Altogether the auction netted just short of 120.000 CZK for C4C’s coffers.


On another notable occasion, some of the movers and shakers of Prague’s society got together at the popular Augustine Hotel in Prague to raise funds for C4C. The event was organized under the auspices of the Gentlemen’s Affairs Club.

The most coveted item up for auction that evening was a custom made watch, sporting just the number 4 on the dial, in reference to the “4” in C4C. On the back it had “Chance 4 Children” name hand-engraved into the cover. (See picture below) Donated by renowned watchmaker Luděk Seryn, the watch ultimately fetched an impressive 150.000 CZK and was acquired by Czech Coal’s well known vice chairman Jan Dienstl.

“A very nice end to a very nice evening”, commented Jan after the auction. “I’m persuaded that the best way to help children is through educational initiatives like those of C4C.”

He designated the men’s watch as a gift for a good friend and business partner.


Needless to say, all of us here at C4C are grateful and appreciative of all the gifts and contributions that came in from these special events. A lot of creative energy surely went into conjuring them all up.  A big thank you goes to all of our patrons, partners and sponsors who make our work possible by being “silent partners” in our endeavors!


The C4C Watch by Ludek Seryn
The C4C Diamond Set by Stanislav Prucha
Raffle Prize - Ferrari from Adventure cars & Alena Zdvihalová, C4C marketing manager.
Signed picture of famous singer Lucie Bílá & the new owners - Mr. & Mrs. Pettman
Master of ceremonies - CANZA BALL: Len Edney, C4C Founder, Manfred Franke & Marketing manager, Alena Zdvihalová
the info corner and bakery for the guests
The Director of Česká pozice - István Léko
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