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Last Minute Christmas Presents Arrive at C4C Storage – 20 Pallets Of Them!

As a last minute surprise, thousands of high quality shoes for children and teenagers arrive in C4C’s storage facility! Secured by C4C from a Scandinavian supplier, these shoes are a surprise Christmas gift for thousands of needy children in the Czech Republic and beyond. With a fair market value price tag approaching 10 million CZK, the shoes will significantly ease the lot of many a cash-strapped orphanage, continuously struggling to meet the needs of their resident children.

“The trick will be getting them all sorted and distributed before Christmas”, says Vaclav Cermak, C4C’s Robin Hood program manager. “But they’ll do well as belated Christmas gifts as well”, he smiles, referring to what seems to be the inevitable, at least for some of the shoes.  Given the somewhat late arrival date of the shoes, not all of them may reach their recipients in time.

Thanks to the quick reaction of one of C4C’s partners, DHL Freight, the shoes were picked up on very short notice from Stockholm, Sweden, to be hurried across the Baltic Sea, arriving just before Christmas at the C4C storage. As of today (Dec. 20th), many have been distributed already to some of the neediest institutions (DD) in the country, but some may have to wait until after the holidays before reaching their eager recipients.

“It’s encouraging to see how companies, which otherwise furiously compete for market share and are fierce competitors on the open market, work hand in hand together with C4C to help make the playing field a little more level for children less fortunate than others”, reflects Vasek. He is referring to the two transportation market leaders, DHL and DB Schenker, who have both put market rivalry aside when it comes to C4C and the needs of thousands of socially disadvantaged children, and have ardently, and for many years already, supported C4C and its oftentimes staggering transportation needs – entirely for free!

“These two companies have contributed incredibly to the success of C4C’s Robin Hood program, which in return has delivered and rendered more than 300 million CZK on aid over the years to children less fortunate than our own”, marvels Manfred Franke, C4C’s founder and chairman.

Hats off to these two industry giants who went above and beyond their calls of duty, time and again, to help struggling children in need and at risk in Central Europe to have a life.

Thank you!


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