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Meet Marketa: IT manager turned fundraiser for C4C

Don't miss in October: Her 600 km kick-biking trip across the CR to raise funds for C4C!

When we here at C4C think about fund-raising for our programs for ill and socially disadvantaged kids, we try to explore new and innovative ways, but usually end up with the old mainstays every other non-profit uses: public collections, fundraising galas, raffles, auctions, permanent money orders, sponsorship, etc. Same old, same old...

And then came Marketa! Tired of her same old, which in her case was a life-time career in IT management, she took a very active interest in one of C4C's programs, which currently suffers a little from under-funding: our educational initiative SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE (STL) - teaching vocational live-skills to institutionalized children about to exit their foster environments, so they can integrate successfully into society and stand their ground in the job-market. Click here to find out more about STL.

"After visiting several orphanages where C4C teachers and coaches prepare children for the transition from institution to real life, I realized the incredible value of this program. And I wanted to help", comments Marketa. She decided to take a hiatus from her IT career and help raise the necessary funds for the continuance of this valuable program.

"The idea just popped up to combine my passion with the purpose of fundraising", says Marketa. And her passion? A sport very few have actually heard about - kick-biking! Come 6 am, Marketa gets ready for her daily trip on the klobasa, as it is affectionately  called in the Czech Republic. Basically a kick-scooter, the klobasa can reach speeds topping 20-30 km/h.

From October 10th  until October 22nd, 2016, Marketa will embark on her epic 600 km+ kick-bike journey, visiting places relevant to C4C's Springboard to Life program, while raising funds to keep this program on the map and expand it.

She will report about the trip on Facebook and YouTube. Look for Marketa K4C to follow her on both social media sites.

How does it all work? How to support? What's in it for me?(We know you'll do it for the cause, but we have some nice rewards as well... :-) )

GOAL & PUPOSE: To raise 450.000 CZK to cover six months of Springboard to Life operational cost.

What you can give and what you get:

Firstly, all supporters receive that warm and cozy feeling anyone gets when supporting a worthy cause...

If you give more than 1000 CZK, send Marketa your contact and you'll receive upon request a tax deductible donation contract from C4C.

·        For 300 CZK you'll receive a motivational Chance 4 Children magnet

·        For 600 CZK you'll receive a series of five motivational C4C magnets

·        For 800 CZK you'll receive a book: "Zlaty Roman" - about Roman Sebrle

·        For 1000 CZK you'll receive the original DVD about Marketa's scooter trip

·        For 3000 CZK expect two tickets for the 20th anniversary of C4C in 2017 (date to be announced)

·        For 5000 CZK you are invited to a dinner with Marketa and C4C's founder, Manfred.

·        For 7000 CZK the C4C Dr. Clown team will give a clown and balloon show for an occasion of your choice, like your or your child's birthday party.

·        For 10.000 CZK you'll become a Daily Sponsor of Marketa's trip. Your name and/or company logo will be exhibited all day on Marketa's trikot.

·        For 20.000 CZK you'll become a VIP Sponsor and your name and/or company logo will be on all videos and interviews and you'll be listed as an official C4C sponsor on the popular C4C website.

So, what are you waiting for? Make your donation via the C4C account or click the PayPal donation button on our homepage: www.c4c.cz (no need to become a PayPal member, just pay via your credit card) Make sure you mention "Marketa K4C" and your full name for identification.

Let's reward Marketa for the incredible engagement and sacrifice she is making for children less fortunate than our own - BY CONTRIBUTING GENEROUSLY! Do it now, her trip starts in just a few weeks.


Thank you for making this a success!

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