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Here we go again: C4C's 2014 Round Up and StatsIt's number crunching time again for our office staff and a good time to feel C4C's proverbial pulse. Result: 2014 has been a great year!
It takes a measure of extra motivation to coach C4C's highly inspirational staff and volunteers through this rather dry Excel sheet and statistical time of numbers and decimals, but the results usually inspire everyone to give their best in the year to come!
So, for those of you interested in results, facts and figures and those who can stomach reading through nitty-gritty details - read on! It's been a great year with lots of progress to report on all fronts.
1) Springboard to Life (STL), C4C's educational initiative, preparing orphans who leave their foster environments, to integrate into society:
Highlight: According to a recent poll, 83% of orphans who participated in C4C's Springboard to Life initiative were able to find employment or a place to further their studies, compared to only 46% of their peers who didn't participate in any of C4C educational programs! STL works!
Program Impact and Performance Monitor School Year 2014/2015
11 orphanages participated in the program
Total amount of children in 11 institutions: 470
Amount of STL participants: 183
STL participation ratio: 39 %
Children exiting institutions in 2015: 27
STL participants exiting: 12
STL participants finding employment: 10
Non STL participants: 15
Non STL participants finding employment: 7
Success rate non STL participants in 2014: 46%
Success rate STL participants in 2014: 83%
SCHOOL YEAR 2014/2015 - attendance statistics
11 orphanages participated in the program
1. DD Sázava (total 24 children)
English: 19 children
Creative Music: 14 children
Total STL participants: 21 children
2. DD Žatec (total 87 children)
Baking: 8 children
Computer Literacy: 12 children
English: 12 children
Total STL participants: 29 children
3. DD Nové Strašecí (total 24 children)
Baking & Cooking: 8 children
Creative Music: 6 children
Total STL participants: 14 children
4. DD Ledce (total 48 children)
Baking and Cooking: 8 children
Creative Music: 7 children
Total STL participants: 15 children
5. DD Kralupy (total 22 children)
Computer Literacy: 10 children
Coaching : 22
Total STL participants: 22 children
6. DD Zvíkovské Podhradí (total 24 children)
Pottery: 15 children
English: 6 children
Sewing: 5 children
Total STL participants: 22 children
7. DD Klánovice (total 55 children)
PC: 34 children
8. DD Dolní Počernice (65 children)
Creative Music: 6 children
9. DD Písek (total 48 children)
English: 15 children
10. DD Pyšely (total 48 children)
Creative Music: 3
11. Klokánek (total 20-30 children)
Baking and Cooking: 8 children
2) Dr. Clown: The Czech Republic's first and original Hospital Clown program, delivering their popular Laughter Therapy to hospitalized children - since 1999!
Highlight: In 2014 (following the nationwide LEGO/DUPLO distribution to all children’s wards in 98 Czech hospitals) in cooperation with DHL Freight, the LEGO Foundation & LEGO Production Group in Kladno, the Dr. Clown team was able to supply all children’s wards in 57 Slovak hospitals with LEGO & DUPLO sets. This tallies up to over 1.380.000 LEGO & DUPLO blocks. In total, every day over 7.000 children in 155 hospitals in the Czech Republic and Slovakia can now fight hospital boredom with the creative building blocks of the popular Scandinavian toymaker.
Visitation stats:
Clown team visits to hospitals & pediatric wards: 1.285
Patients receiving “Laughter Therapy”: 15.422
Coloring books given out: 4.255
Balloon Magic animals made: 27.000
Faces painted: 2.800
LEGO sets given to children & wards: 13.187
Songs sung: 8.100
Kilometers travelled by Dr. Clown teams: 22.800 km
Number of workshops & training seminars for Dr. Clown personnel: 6
3) ROBIN HOOD: Partnering with international and local businesses to improve the quality of life for orphans.
Number of orphanages & hospitals that received help in 2014: 112
Number of deliveries made to orphanages & hospitals in 2014: 169
Total Fair Market Value of aid distributed: 2.263.450,- EURO
63.829.290,- CZK
List of institutions and orphanages receiving aid in 2014:
Azylový dům Kladno
DD Banská Bystrica
DD Buškovice
DD Býchory
DD Česká Lípa
DD Dubá - Deštná
DD Frýdlant
DD Hnúšťa
DD Hostivice Klokánek
DD Jablonné v Podještědí
DD Janštejn
DD Jesenské
DD Jihlava
DD Karviná
DD Kremnica
DD Kysucká nemocnice
DD Ledce
DD LIbušín
DD Liptál
DD Louny
DD Lučenec
DD Martin
DD Maštov
DD Moštenica
DD Nouzov
DD Nová Baňa
DD Nové Strašecí
DD Olomouc
DD Opava Čtyřlístek
DD Piešťany
DD Plzeň
DD Poděbrady
DD Polomka
DD Praha 10
DD Radkov
DD Rimavská Sobota
DD Sázava
DD Smečno
DD Snílek
DD Trnie
DD Týn nad Vltavou
DD Uherský Ostroh
DD Valaská
DD Valašské Meziříčí
DD Velké Meziříčí
DD Vizovice
DD Vizovice I
DD Vizovice II
DD Zábřeh
DD Žatec
DD Žďár nad Sázavou
Dětské centrum Kladno
Diakonie Broumov
KDD arviná Heřmánek
Léčebna Hraň
Nadace sestry Akvinely
Nemocnica Skalica
Nemocnica Stará Lubovňa
Nemocnice Benešov
Nemocnice Bratislava
Nemocnice Dolný Kubín
Nemocnice Dunajská Streda
Nemocnice Karviná
Nemocnice Kežmarok
Nemocnice Kladno
Nemocnice Komárno
Nemocnice Košice
Nemocnice Královský Chlmec
Nemocnice Kremnica
Nemocnice Krompachy
Nemocnice Louny
Nemocnice Michalovce
Nemocnice Motol
Nemocnice Myjava
Nemocnice na okraji města
Nemocnice Nitra
Nemocnice Nové Zámky
Nemocnice Písek
Nemocnice Plzeň
Nemocnice Poprad
Nemocnice Povážská Bystrica
Nemocnice Prešov
Nemocnice Prievidza
Nemocnice Rožňava
Nemocnice Ružomberok
Nemocnice Snina
Nemocnice sv.Lukáša , Galanta
Nemocnice Svidnik
Nemocnice Trenčín
Nemocnice Trnava
Nemocnice Trstená
Nemocnice Vinohrady
Psychiatrická nemocnice Michalovce
Svět zdravia Bratislava
Vítkovická nemocnice
Vranovská nemocnice
In closing, we’d like to thank all of our friends, patrons, partners and helpers for their continued support and sacrifice - Your help has made all of the above possible and it makes you truly part of us!
Even though we can’t promise any dividends in the conventional sense, we know that kindness shown to others is never lost and always brings returns. It is an investment into a better future. Like the old saying asserts: Kindness, sacrifice and charity simply can’t be given away, for they always return to the giver in values that can’t be measured in only dollars and cents!
Thank you all for walking the walk with us and for being there when needed!
Your C4C Team
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