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Question: What is colorful and turns heads? Answer: Probably one of C4C’s two new vehicles!

Rotary Club Prague Bohemia (RCPB) donates two new vehicles to C4C! And they are real head-turners…

Highlighting six years of successful and extremely fruitful cooperation between the Rotary Club and C4C, RCPB president Erwin Hanslik presented C4C founder Manfred Franke last weekend with the symbolic keys to two brand-new vehicles, a Ford Transit nine-seater and a Skoda Octavia. Donated by members of the club for C4C’s programs for institutionalized and socially disadvantaged children, the vehicles will significantly upgrade C4C’s fleet of six cars, some of which were visibly coming of age. 

“Looks like we can finally lay our dear old Skoda Forman to rest, which has been with C4C from the very beginning in 1996”, smiles Vasek CermakC4C’s office and project manager. With more than 300.000 km on the clock, the car has been considered C4C’s mascot and enjoyed somewhat of a celebrity status, being more looked at than used in recent months.

Besides enabling C4C to further enhance the reach of their programs for needy children, the two new vehicles, with their blazingly colorful pictures and logos, will also serve, simply by their visual impact,  to raise awareness for the plight of children growing up without the love and care of their natural parents and the obstacles they face integrating into society.

“The partnership with C4C for the past six years has been an honor and a privilege for the Rotary Club Bohemia.  These vehicles represent the hopes and aspirations of all of our members and are our contribution to help make the playing field a little more level for children less fortunate than others in our society”, says Erwin Hanslik, current President of the Rotary Club. “It is our hope that the new cars will help C4C to decisively expand the reach and scope of their operations!”


Sponsors: Ford Transit:

-           - Members Rotary Club Prague Bohemia (RCPB)

-           - Members Rotary Club Munich Königsplatz

-           - ING Real Estate Investment

-           - Ford Komersia West

-           - Oldrich Mesaros, Komersia Auto

-           - Andreas Ueltzhöffer, Ueltzhöffer Balada Law Offices

Sponsor: Skoda Octavia

-           - Hans-Christian Zink, ZDC Group (RCPB member)

Sponsors: Vehicle Decals and Designs:

-           - Jirka Tikal, Cheap Design

-           - Milan Petriscak, Klubko 55

-           - Roman Andel, Angel Art

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