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Fire Eaters, Fakirs, Snake Dancers and...

…lots and lots of fun at Medieval Fortress Dreucici for children participating in C4C’s Springboard to Life program (STL).

The Rotary Club Prague Bohemia, one of the main sponsors of C4C educational STL initiative, once again called on the participants of the STL program for a day of fun and games to celebrate May Day with the club. (Click here to find out more about C4C’s Springboard to Life program)

 43 kids from four different orphanages around Prague heeded the call and were in for a day of surprises.

“The event was great for kids. The medieval competitions were amazing and our kids could compete directly against other kids not from orphanages”, commented Lenka Woloszczuková, director of the Zatec orphanage. “There was even time to relax and enjoy the beautiful venue and the surroundings.”

18 km outside of Prague, the Fortress Dreucici dates back to the middle ages and was recently restored with much love for detail in the style of a medieval inn. It can accommodate up to 1000 guests and is being used for parties, competitions and festive events for children.

 Master of Ceremonies (affectionately called “Mr. Kokot”), directed the various activities with humor and poise, making surethere wasn’t a dull moment for the entire afternoon. And there was no such thing as a free lunch either – each table had to enter into a singing competition to qualify for the sumptuous buffet… The surprise winner was the Rotary Club Bohemia, awing the crowd with their special rendition of the French classic “Frere Jacques” song in German (Bruder Jakob).

And as the day drew to a close, the consensus was that the time flew by almost too quickly.

“I am sad that this event is over. I really don't want to go home. This day was fun”, lamented Kristýna from the Unhost orphanage.

That feeling was shared by the director of her orphanage, Mgr. Jiųí Beránek, who commented in leaving:

 „I would like to thank you for the invitation, the event was really excellent and the kids just loved it.“

As a special surprise for the children, they were allowed to browse through hundreds of books of interest at the end of the day and take home with them as many as they wanted. The books were made available to the children by the Prague Rotary Club Bohemia as a donation to C4C’s STL initiative.

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