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Payback Time

Children from local orphanages, participating in C4C’s Springboard to Life initiative, impress their audience with displays of their newly acquired vocational skills.

The day couldn’t have been more beautiful, the venue any lovelier and the cause more noble than this: participants of C4C’s Springboard to Life program, mainly socially challenged children from Stredocesky Krai orphanages, gave a sampling of their newly acquired vocational skills to an appreciative audience of members of the Rotary Club Prague Bohemia. The Club has been a patron sponsor of this popular and far-reaching C4C initiative for five consecutive years.

The Rotarians and their families gathered for their second annual Spring Party at the Horse Ranch Pazderna, a picturesque small hamlet, which, surrounded by seemingly endless meadows,  truly lets you forget its close proximity to Prague. Literally only a stone-throw away from the bustling city life of the Czech capital, Pazderna is an ideal get-away for busy parents looking for weekend or afternoon excitement for their offspring.  

25 children from orphanages in the greater Prague area came to mingle with the Rotarians and their children and participate in fun, games and horseback rides – but also to show off their skills. “It’s great to see the children thriving and obviously enjoying the different classes we offer for them”, smiles Cornelia Zoellner, member of the Rotary Club Prague Bohemia. “It’s fascinating to watch them progress and learn!”

Here’s what was on the agenda for the afternoon:

-        a riveting musical performance by Band “Stripes” (taught creative music by Michal Nemecek of renowned Czech band “Pumpa”),

-        a sumptuous sampling of delicious baked goods (made by participants of C4C’s household science class, taught by Jana Snoblova),

-        the students of C4C’s Computer Literacy course showed off their PowerPoint presentations and computer skills. This class is taught by teacher Milos Janata, who later surprised everyone when he morphed from computer teacher into a performing percussionist on his metal drum. (See picture below)

“From an investment point of view, watching the children display their expertise in the fields of their choice, is equal to receiving a tangible return of our investment into them”, comments Oliver Schmitt, current president of the Rotary Club Bohemia. “It validates our decision years ago to become, in conjunction with C4C, involved as a force for good in their lives and help them succeed in life and integrate seamlessly into society.”

It goes without saying – we couldn’t agree more!

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