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C4C Performance Stats 2010: Tallying up the score!

C4C’s total aid rendered to children at risk in 2010 exceeded 27.000.000 CZK (USD 1.75 million)! This brings the grand total of direct assistance to children in need, since C4C’s inception in the year 2000, to almost 400.000.000 CZK (USD 26 million)!

To tell you the truth, if anyone would have told us in 2000 that our rag-tag band of volunteers would have morphed a decade later into a fully staffed international organization with such phenomenal results – it would have seemed simply inconceivable to us! Of course, to give credit to whom credit is due -  to a large degree, we’ll have to defer C4C’s success to our dear Patrons, Partners and Sponsors: without them, we simply wouldn’t be at where we are at today! Take a minute and peruse these fine companies and individuals here, they are truly part of us!

As far as the month of April is concerned, well, it’s no secret – it’s not really the favorite time of year for our highly motivated and idealistic bunch of volunteers and staff alike. Excel sheets and numbers are somewhat like a wet blanket thrown over our dear folks…But, in conjunction with C4C’s annual audit, this is the time for number crunching, pulse feeling, temperature taking and gauging of C4C’s past year’s performance! It’s a necessary evil (smile) and it helps us stay on top of things.

Over the years we had a few comments from our readers to keep the stats as short as possible. Apparently, reading stats is just as boring as working on them…  (smile) We’ll happily oblige!

So, in short and without further ado, this is how C4C’s three individual initiatives performed in 2010:


The program provides orphaned and institutionalized children, once they reach teen age, with educational opportunities through extra-curricular vocational classes - to help them in their quest to integrate into society at large and be successful in the job market.

Participating children:                                   467

Benefitting institutions:                               17

Socialization/integration events:             6


-          Hairstyling

-          Creative English

-          Computer Sciences

-          Household Sciences, Baking & Cooking

-          Music Theory & Guitar

-          Creative English





The program provides direct humanitarian assistance to socially challenged children living out their childhood and youth in usually chronically underfunded government and private institutions. It is the program’s aim to considerably improve the quality of life of the affected children.  In 2010 the program also provided significant aid to victims of the catastrophic floods in the cities of Hermanice & Hradek nad Nisou.

Total Aid rendered in 2010:        26.915.152,- CZK

Benefitting institutions:               37

Children receiving direct aid:     1322

Households receiving flood aid via Robin Hood (Hermanice & Hradek nad Nisou):  appr. 2150


The program focuses on providing comic relief to hospitalized children, helping them to overcome diseases and injuries through Dr. Clown’s patented “SmileTherapy”! The team’s aim in 2010 was to establish what we came to term a 24/7 Dr. Clown presence in participating hospitals: distributing Dr. Clown coloring books, installing Dr. Clown Corners and Floor Games and training nurses as Dr. Clown “Agents”, amongst other things teaching them magic tricks and balloon sculpturing, etc.

Clown team visits to hospitals & pedriatic wards:                            861

Patients receiving “Smile Therapy”:                                                       11.686

Dr. Clown Coloring Books distributed:                                                  12.000

Hospitals hosting Dr. Clown Floor Games & Dr. Clown corners:                 9

Dr. Clown training seminars:                                                                     8



For those of you who are at this point still with us and are interested in a more detailed view of things, especially concerning the Springboard to Life (STL) program, here goes:

PROGAM:                                                      PARTICIPATING STUDENTS:

Hair styling & cutting                                                                            31

Computer Science                                                                                 42

Baking and Cooking, Household Sciences                                            79

Music Theory and Guitar                                                                       45

Creative English                                                                                      77

TOTAL                                                                                203

Cost per child per month of teaching                        199,-


Participating of socialization and integration events  - 264 kids

C4C Bowling Cup Brno – 50

C4C Bowling Cup Praha – 60

Dětský den s DHL v Liberecké Zoo – 44

C4C Bowling Cup Trnava, SK – 40

C4C Bowling Cup Ostrava – 30

C4C Snooker Cup Praha – 40


Hours of teaching/prep/travel time                             - 2.150 hours

Total km travelled                                                               - 20.577 km



Dětský Domov Sázava

Dětský Domov Racek

Dětský Domov Pyšely

Dětský Domov Žatec

Dětský Domov Ledce

Dětský Domov Dolní Počernice

Dětský Domov Unhošť

Dětský Domov Nove Strašecí

Dětský Domov Staňkov

Dětský Domov  - Klokánek Hostivice

 Dětský Domov Klokánek  Štěrboholy

Dětský Domov Slezska Ostrava:

Dětský Domov Hranice:

Dětský Domov Havířov:

Dětský Domov Ružomberok:

Dětský Domov Trenčín Zlatovce

Dětský Domov Trnava

ZS Žilina


PROGRAM - Creative English

Dětský domov Žatec

Dětský domov Sázava

Dětský domov Klokánek Hostivice

Dětský domov a Školní jídelna, Benešov, Racek 1

Dětský domov Pyšely


PROGRAM - Music Theory and Guitar

Dětský domov Pyšely

Dětský domov Sázava

Dětský domov Klokánek Štěrboholy

Dětský domov Nové Strašecí

Dětský domov Ledce


PROGAM – Baking and Cooking, Household Sciences

Dětský domov Klokánek Hostivice

Dětský domov Ledce

Dětský domov Žatec

ZS Žilina

Dětský domov Unhošť

Dětský domov Nové Strašecí


PROGAM – Hair styling

Dětský domov Pyšely

Dětský domov Sázava

Dětský domov Slezská Ostrava

Dětský domov Hranice

Dětský domov Havířov

Dětský domov Ružomberok

Dětský domov Trenčín Zlatovce

Dětský domov Trnava

Dětský domov Adamovské Kochanovce

Dětský domov Nové strašecí

Dětský domov Ledce


PROGAM – Computer Sciences

Dětský domov Žatec

Dětský domov Nové Strašecí

Dětský domov Dolní Počernice


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