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Hurrah - She Did It!

Marketa finishes her ambitious kick-bike tour and exceeds her goal in fundraising for C4C: 465.000 CZK!

If you feel like most of us ("It's just too hard for one person to really make a difference"), chin up - this story will be an encouragement to you! Dear Marketa set out last month to literally conquer giants, when she embarked on a unprecedented fundraising trip for C4C by riding her foot powered kick-bike for 600 km across the Czech Republic, visiting places associated with C4C's initiatives for children in need and at risk. She had set a lofty goal: she wanted to raise 450.000 CZK to support C4C's Springboard to Life program for six months! Click here to catch up on Springboard to Life.

And, really, against all odds: She didn't just reach her goal - she exceeded it! As she braved wind, rain and cold, kicking her scooter for 12 days many folks took notice and started to support her heroic effort. Propelled on by Social Media, emails and word of mouth donations started to trickle in from friends and total strangers alike.

"Actually, I had no idea if I actually could raise such a huge amount of money", reflects Marketa, "but I knew it's better to set my goals high and maybe miss the mark a little, than setting the target low and hit it!"

She also leaned on the spiritual principle that in giving we receive - and giving she truly did. For 12 days she literally gave all she had and it did pay off in the end! Click here to follow her daily video log on YouTube.

"I want to express my sincerest gratitude to each and everyone who felt touched to contribute to my journey", Marketa adds. "It's just wonderful to see that, together, we were able to make a difference in the lives of children less fortunate than our own."

And when it comes to her own children, she knows what she is talking about. She has four wonderfully adjusted kids who were fortunate enough to have her as a mother. Add to that the five children, Manfred, her common-law husband and partner, added to the mix - they both together raised nine children! Manfred, as many readers may know, is the founder and managing director of C4C.

Here's what he had to say about her adventure: "I really take my hat off to Marketa, what she's done is just incredible! It shows that every time someone dares to think out-of-the-box , things can reach critical mass and anything wonderful can happen!"

“A big thank you", Manfred continues, "goes also to an old friend of mine, Sanjiv Suri of Zatisi Catering Group, who, hell-bend on helping Marketa reaching her target, contributed approximately half of the total amount raised.” Talk about generosity...

Sanjiv himself is no stranger to fundraising and sacrificing for worthy causes. In 2014 he cycled 840 km through the southernmost part of India, his native country, on a bicycle fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders (Medicines Sans Frontiers). Together with his team mates he raised $ 120.000 for better healthcare of the most needy in this country.

In closing, all of us here at C4C would like to express our deepest gratitude and thanks to all who have contributed to make this adventure a success. First and foremost, of course, to Marketa and then to all of those who have supported her with their gifts and donations.


From the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

The weather wasn't always kind...
...but sunny days made up for it!
Approaching the goal....
...where Manfred was waiting with flowers for the hero of the day!
India 2014: Sanjiv (2nd from right) and team mates
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