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Springboard to Life


Preparing institutionalized children for life beyond the gates of their children's homes. It is the express aim of the initiative, to teach supplemental vocational skills to institutionalized children as a springboard to a successful adult life and problem-free integration into society. Considering the present high failure rate in some areas, amongst young adults leaving institutions, with some of them consequently ending up in conflict with the law, STL aims to substantially improve the chances of success in professional life for the participating young people, by offering them supplemental education and vocational extracurricular courses to find their bearings and place in life. The topics currently include:

1. Computer knowledge
2. English language skills
3. Household science, essential life skills
4. Music/Guitar lessons
5. Vocational courses, preparation for professional life
6. Hair-styling training
7. Integration and socialization programs, event participation, sports etc.