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C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid

7 Days and 2600 Km Later – 5 Tons Lighter
the C4C team returns tired but happy from their trip to Bosnia

The team of three, Rafal Wojas, Vasek Cermak and Paloma Brown returned today from their one week humanitarian aid trip to Bosnia. After driving 2600 kilometers, they shed 5 tons worth of weight (and reportedly a few pounds themselves) while delivering over 350.000,- Euros worth of aid to impoverished orphanages and other needy children.

The shipment consisted mainly of much needed seasonal clothing from brand name manufacturers and stationary supplies for the children’s schooling. The goods delivered filled many a gap in the budgets of cash-strapped institutions with resident children in this country still reeling from a vicious civil war that costs too many people their lives and too many children their parents.

Click here to read the whole article. 

C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid
C4C Bosnian Trip - 5 Tons of Aid